Standard Modules & Fields

Standard Modules & Fields

Standard Modules & Fields

The standard modules in the CRM:

Price BooksQuotesReports
InvoicesVendorsPurchase Order
Sales OrdersActivitiesDashboards

The following tables give the list of supported fields in the CRM Modules along with their description.


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Lead OwnerSelect the CRM user to whom the Lead is assigned.Lookup-
SalutationSelect the salutation from the drop-down list.Pick list-
First NameSpecify the first name of the lead.Text boxAlphanumeric(40)
TitleSpecify the job position of the leadText boxAlphanumeric(100)
Last Name*Specify the last name of the lead. This field is a mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(80)
Company*Specify the name of the company where the lead is working. This field is a mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(100)
Lead SourceSelect the source of the lead, that is, from where the lead is generated.Pick list-
IndustrySelect the industry to which the lead belongs.Pick list-
Annual RevenueSpecify the annual revenue of the company where the lead is working.CurrencyDecimal (16)
PhoneSpecify the phone number of the lead.Text boxAlphanumeric(30)
MobileSpecify the mobile number of the lead.Text boxAlphanumeric(30)
FaxSpecify the fax number of the lead.Text boxAlphanumeric(30)
EmailSpecify the email address of the lead.EmailAlphanumeric and Special characters(100)
Secondary EmailSpecify another email address of the lead.EmailAlphanumeric and Special characters(100)
Skype IDSpecify the Skype ID of the lead. Currently skype ID can be in the range of 6 to 32 characters.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Web siteSpecify the Web site of the lead.URLAlphanumeric(120)
Lead StatusSelect the status of the lead from the drop-down list.Pick list-
RatingSelect the rating of the lead from the drop-down list.Pick list-
No. of EmployeesSpecify the number of employees in lead's company.NumericInteger (16)
Email Opt-outSelect the check-box to remove leads from your mailing list so that they will not receive any emails from your CRM accountCheck box-
Campaign SourceSelect the campaign related to the LeadLookup 
Created ByDisplays name of the user created the Lead first time.Date/Time-
Modified ByDisplays name of the user modified the Lead.Date/Time 
StreetSpecify the street address of the lead.Text boxAlphanumeric(250)
CitySpecify the name of the city where the lead lives.Text boxAlphanumeric(30)
StateSpecify the name of the state where the lead lives.Text boxAlphanumeric(30)
Zip CodeSpecify the postal code of the lead's address.NumericAlphanumeric(30)
CountrySpecify the name of the lead's country.Text boxAlphanumeric(30)
DescriptionSpecify any other details about the lead.Text area (long text)32000 characters


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Account Name *Specify the company name. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(100)
Account OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the account is assigned.Look up-
WebsiteSpecify the URL of the company's Web site.URLAlphanumeric(30)
Ticker SymbolSpecify the ticker symbol of the Company.Text boxAlphanumeric(30)
Parent AccountSelect the parent company name from the Change pop-up dialog.Lookup 
EmployeesSpecify the number of employees in account's company.NumericIntegers(10)
OwnershipSpecify the type of ownership of the company.Picklist 
IndustrySelect the type of industry from the drop-down list.Pick list-
Account TypeSelect the type of account from the drop-down list.Pick list-
Account NumberSpecify the reference number for account. Up to 40 characters are allowed in this field.NumericNumber
Account SiteSpecify the name of the account’s location, for example, Headquarters or London. Up to 80 characters are allowed in this field.Text boxAlphanumeric(30)
PhoneSpecify phone number of the account.Text boxAlphanumeric(30)
FaxSpecify fax number of the account.Text boxAlphanumeric(30)
E-mailSpecify the official E-mail address of the account.E-mailAlphanumeric and Special characters(100)
RatingSpecify the rating of the account.Pick list-
SIC CodeSpecify the Standard Industrial Classification code of the account.Text boxIntegers(10)
Created ByDisplays name of the user created the Account first time.Date/Time-
Modified ByDisplays name of the user modified the Account.Date/Time 
Annual RevenueSpecify the annual revenue of the account.NumericIntegers(10)
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Code
  • Country
Specify the billing address of the account to send the quotes, invoices, and other agreements.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Code
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the account to deliver the shipment.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
DescriptionSpecify any other details about the account.Text area (long text)32000 characters


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Contact OwnerSelect the  CRM user to whom the account is assigned.Lookup-
SalutationSelect the Salutation of the contact, such as Mr., Ms, Mrs., or others.Pick list 
First NameSpecify the first name of the contact.Text boxAlphanumeric(40)
Last Name*Specify the last name of the contact. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(40)
Account NameSelect the account related to the contact.Lookup-
Vendor NameSelect the vendor related to the contactLookup-
Campaign SourceSelect the Campaign related to the contactLookup-
Lead SourceSelect the source from which the contact is created.Pick list-
TitleSpecify the job position of the contact.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
DepartmentSpecify the department of the contact.Text boxAlphanumeric(30)
Date of BirthSpecify the birthday of the contact to send greetings for a better relationship.Date-
Reports ToSelect the person to whom the contact reportsText area255 characters
Created ByDisplays name of the user created the contact first time.Date/Time-
Modified ByDisplays name of the user modified the contactDate/Time 
Email Opt OutSelect the check-box to remove contacts from your mailing list so that they will not receive any emails from your  CRM accountCheck box-
Skype IdSpecify the Skype ID of the contact. Currently skype ID can be in the range of 6 to 32 characters.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
PhoneSpecify the office phone number of the contact.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
MobileSpecify the mobile number of the contact.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Home PhoneSpecify the home phone number of the contact.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Other PhoneSpecify the other phone number of the contact (if any).Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
FaxSpecify the Fax number of the contact.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
EmailSpecify the primary email address of the contact.EmailAlphanumeric(100)
Secondary EmailSpecify another email address of the contact.EmailAlphanumeric(100)
AssistantSpecify the name of the contact’s assistant.  
Asst PhoneSpecify the phone number of the contact's assistant.Text boxAlphanumeric(100)
Mailing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Other Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the other address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
DescriptionSpecify any other details about contact.Text area (long text)32000 characters


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Deal OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the deal is assigned.Lookup 
Deal Name*Specify name of the deal. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(120)
Account Name*Select name of the account to which deal has to be created. This field is mandatory.Lookup-
TypeSelect the type of deal (New Business or Existing Business) from the drop-down list.Pick list-
Lead SourceSelect the lead source from the drop-down listPick list-
Campaign SourceSelect the campaign related to the contact.Lookup-
Contact NameSelect the contact related to the deal.Lookup 
AmountSpecify the amount that can be expected after closing the deal.Currency 
Closing Date*Specify or select the expected close date. This field is mandatory.Date format-
Next StepSpecify the next step of the sales process.Text boxAlphanumeric(100)
Stage*Select the sales stage from the drop-down list. This field is mandatory.Pick list-
ProbabilitySpecify the probability of closing a deal.Number 
Expected RevenueCalculated based on the Amount and Deal Stage that you specify.Currency 
Created ByDisplays name of the user created the deal first time.Date/Time-
Modified ByDisplays name of the user modified the deal.Date/Time 
DescriptionSpecify any other details about deal.Text area (long text)32000 characters


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Campaign OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the campaign is assigned.Pick list-
Campaign Name*Specify the name of the campaign.Text boxAlphanumeric(40)
TypeSelect the type of the campaign.Pick List-
StatusSelect the status of the campaign.Pick List-
Start DateSpecify the date on which the campaign starts.Date format-
End DateSpecify the date on which the campaign ends.Date format-
Expected RevenueSpecify the revenue expected after launching the campaign.Currency-
Actual CostSpecify the actual amount spent on the campaign.Currency-
Budgeted CostSpecify the planned amount to be spent on the campaign.Currency-
Expected ResponseSpecify the campaign turnout percentage.Number 
Num sentSpecify the number of leads/contacts to whom the campaign details has been sent.Text boxIntegers
Created ByDisplays name of the user created the campaign first time.Date/Time-
Modified ByDisplays name of the user modified the campaignDate/Time 
DescriptionSpecify additional details about the campaign.Text area32000 characters


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Year*Select the fiscal year from the drop-down list.Pick list-
Quarter*Select the quarter of the fiscal year.Pick list-
MonthDisplay the month of the selected quarter.Month 
QuotaSpecify the quota for the month.Currency-
ClosedDisplay the amount from the closed won potentials.Currency-
PipelineDisplays the amount in the sales pipeline.Currency-
Owned ByDisplays the owner of the forecast.Lookup-
Created ByDisplays the person created the forecast first time.Date/Time format-
Last Modified ByDisplays the person modified the forecast.Date/Time format-


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Case NumberDisplay the case ID after creating a case.Number16 digit
Product NameSelect the product name related to the case.Lookup-
Case OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the case is assigned.Lookup-
Subject*Specify the title of the Case. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(255)
PrioritySelect the priority of the Case from the drop-down list.Pick list-
Status*Select the status of the Case from the drop-down list.Pick list-
Reported ByDisplays the name of the contact.--
Related ToSelect the name of the contact who submitted the Case.Lookup-
TypeSelect the type of problem. It can be a general question, feature request, or real issue in your product/service.Pick list-
Case Origin*Select the source from which the case has been generated. You can select Email, Phone, or Website. If you select Email, you must specify the Email ID of the customer.Pick list-
EmailSpecify the Email ID of the contact.EmailAlphanumeric and Special characters
Account NameSelect the account related to the caseLookup 
Potential NameSelect the Potential related to the caseLookup 
PhoneSpecify the phone number of the customerText boxAlphanumeric(50)
Case ReasonSpecify the reason for the casePick list-
DescriptionSpecify complete details about the case.Text Area32000 characters
Internal CommentsSpecify follow-up notes about case.Text Area3000 characters
SolutionSpecify the solution providedText Area32000 characters
Add Commentspecify the follow-up notes about the solutionText Area32000 characters


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Solution NumberDisplay the case ID after creating a solutionNumber16 digit
Solution Title*Specify the subject of the solution. This field is mandatoryText boxAlphanumeric(255)
Solution OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the solution is assigned.Pick list-
Product NameSelect the name of the product to which the solution has to be associated.Lookup-
Question*Enter your question. This field is mandatoryText box, AlphanumericAlphanumeric(255)
Answer*Specify solution details. This field is mandatoryText Area-
StatusSpecify the status of the solution.Pick list-
Created ByDisplays the person created the solution first time.Date/Time format 
Last Modified ByDisplays the person modified the solutionDate/Time format 
DescriptionSpecify any other details about solution.Text box32000 characters
CommentsSpecify additional comments about the solution.Text box32000 characters


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Product Name*Specify the name of the product. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Product OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the product is assigned.Pick list 
Product CodeSpecify the product identification.Text boxAlphanumeric(40)
Product ActiveSpecify the status of the product.Check box-
Vendor NameSpecify the name of the vendor.Lookup 
Product CategorySelect the category of the product.Pick list 
Sales Start DateSpecify the date on which the product sales startsDate 
Sales End DateSpecify the date on which the product sales endsDate 
Created ByDisplays the person created the product first time.Date/Time format 
Modified ByDisplays the person modified the productDate/Time format 
Commission RateSpecify the commission rate for selling the product.NumericDecimal
ManufacturerSelect the name of the product manufacturer.Pick list-
Unit PriceSpecify the unit price of the product.Currency 
TaxableSpecify whether the product is a taxable productCheck-box 
Product CategorySelect the category of the product.Pick list-
Support Start DateSelect the date on which the product support starts.Date-
Support Expiry DateSelect the date on which the product support ends.Date-
Usage UnitDisplays the unit price of the product.Text boxAlphanumeric
Qty OrderedSpecify the number of units.Text boxIntegers
Qty in StockDisplays the stock quantityText boxIntegers
Reorder LevelSpecify the Reorder valueText boxIntegers
HandlerSelect the CRM user who is handling the productLookup 
Qty in DemandDisplays the demand quantityText boxIntegers
DescriptionSpecify any other details about product.Text area (long text)32000 characters

Price Books

Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Price book OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the price book is assigned.Lookup-
Price book Name*Specify the name of the Price Book. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
ActiveSelect the Active check box to set the status of the Price Book as active.Check box-
Pricing ModelSelect the model of the price bookPick list-
Created ByDisplays the person created the Price book first time.Date/Time format 
Modified ByDisplays the person modified the Price book.Date/Time format 
DescriptionSpecify any other details about Price Book.Text area (long text)32000 characters
Pricing details
  • From Range
  • To Range
  • Discount
Specify the Pricing details
  • From Range - Text box
  • To Range - Text box
  • Discount - Percent
Decimal (20)


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Quote OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the quote is assigned.Lookup-
Subject*Specify the name of the quote. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Potential NameSpecify the potential name for which the quote has to be created.Text boxAlphanumeric(40)
Quote StageSpecify the status of the quote.Pick List-
Valid TillSpecify the date till the quote is valid after sending to the prospective customer.Date-
Contact NameSpecify the contact to which the quote has to be created.Lookup-
Account NameSpecify the account to which the quote has to be created.Lookup 
CarrierSelect the name of the carrier manufacturer.Pick list-
ShippingSelect the category of the quote.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Inventory ManagerSpecify the person responsible for shipping the shipment to the account or contact.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Account Name*Specify the account name to which the quote has to be created. This field is mandatoryLookup 
Created ByDisplays the person created the Price book first time.Date/Time format 
Modified ByDisplays the person modified the Price book.Date/Time format 
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Product Name *Select the product name. This field is mandatoryLookup-
Quantity in StockDisplays the stock quantity.NumericIntegers
Quantity*Specify the quantity for which the sales order has to be generated. This field is mandatoryNumericIntegers
Unit Price*Displays the unit price of the product.Currency 
List Price*Select the product list price from Price Book or specify the product price. This field is mandatoryLookup and NumericIntegers
TotalDisplays the amount of the selected products.Text boxAlphanumeric
Terms & ConditionsSpecify the terms and conditions that are associated with quote.Text area 
DescriptionSpecify any other details about quote.Text area32000 characters

Sales Orders

Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Sales Order OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the sales order is assigned.Lookup 
SO NumberDisplay the Sales order ID after creating a case.Number16 digit
Subject*Specify the name of the sales order. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Potential NameSelect the potential for which the sales order has to be generated.Lookup-
Customer NoSpecify the customer identification number (if any)Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Purchase OrderSelect the reference purchase order.Text box-
Quote NameSelect the reference quote.Lookup-
Contact NameSelect the contact for which the sales order has to be generated.Lookup-
Due DateSelect the dateDate-
CarrierSelect the carrier’s name that ships the products from your warehouse to customer site.Pick list-
Pending Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
StatusSpecify the status of the sales order.Pick list-
Sales CommissionSpecify the commission to the sales person upon closing the deal.Numericfloat
Excise DutySpecify the excise duty for the shipmentText BoxNumeric
Account Name*Specify the account name to which the sales order has to be created. This field is mandatoryLookup-
Assigned ToSelect the user's name to whom the sales order handling duty is assigned.Select option-
Created ByDisplays name of the user created the Sales order first time.Date/Time 
Modified ByDisplays name of the user modified the Sales orderDate/Time 
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Product Name*Select the product name. This field is mandatoryLookup-
Quantity in StockDisplays the stock quantity.NumericIntegers
Quantity*Specify the quantity for which the sales order has to be generated. This field is mandatoryNumericIntegers
Unit Price*Displays the unit price of the product.Currency 
List Price*Select the product list price from Price Book or specify the product price. This field is mandatoryLookup and NumericIntegers
TaxSpecify the tax component of the productsCurrency-
AdjustmentsSpecify if there are any adjustments, such as discounts, or extra charges etc.Currency-
TotalDisplays the amount of the selected line item.Currency-
Terms & ConditionsSpecify the terms and conditions that are associated with sales order.Text area (long text) 
DescriptionSpecify any other details about sales order.Text area (long text)32000 characters


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Invoice OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the invoice is assigned.Lookup 
Invoice NumberDisplay the case ID after creating a solutionNumeric16 digit
Subject*Specify the name of the invoice. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Sales OrderSelect the reference Sales order (if any).Lookup-
Purchase OrderSelect the reference Purchase order.Text Box 
Customer NoSpecify the customer identification number (if any).Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Excise DutySpecify the excise duty for the shipmentText boxNumeric
Invoice DateSpecify the date on which the invoice is created.Date-
Due DateSpecify the invoice due date as per your payment terms.Date-
Sales CommissionSpecify the commission to the sales person upon closing the deal.CurrencyFloat
Account Name*Specify the account name to which the invoice has to be created. This field is mandatoryLookup-
Contact NameSpecify the contacts name to which the invoice has to be created.Lookup 
StatusSpecify the status of the invoice.Pick List-
Assigned ToSelect the user's name to whom the invoice handling duty is assigned. This field is mandatoryLookup-
Created ByDisplays the person created the Price book first time.Date/Time format 
Modified ByDisplays the person modified the Price book.Date/Time format 
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Product Name*Select the product name. This field is mandatoryLookup-
Quantity in StockDisplays the stock quantity.NumericIntegers
Quantity*Specify the quantity for which the sales order has to be generated. This field is mandatoryNumericIntegers
Unit Price*Displays the unit price of the product.Currency 
List Price*Select the product list price from Price Book or specify the product price. This field is mandatoryLookup and NumericIntegers
TotalDisplays the amount of the selected products.Currency-
Terms & ConditionsSpecify the terms and conditions that are associated with invoice.Text area 
DescriptionSpecify any other details about invoice.Text area32000 characters


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Vendor OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the Vendor details is assigned.Lookup 
Vendor Name*Specify the name of the vendor. This field is mandatoryText boxAlphanumeric(50)
PhoneSpecify the phone number of the vendorText boxAlphanumeric(40)
E-mailSpecify the E-mail ID of the vendorEmailAlphanumeric and Special characters(100)
WebsiteSpecify the Web site URL of the vendorURLAlphanumeric and Special characters(50)
GL AccountSelect the general ledger accountPick List-
CategorySpecify the category of the vendorText boxAlphanumeric(40)
Created ByDisplays the person created the Price book first time.Date/Time format 
Modified ByDisplays the person modified the Price book.Date/Time format 
Vendor Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Postal Code
  • Country
Specify the address of the vendor
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
DescriptionSpecify any other details about vendorText area (long text)32000 characters

Purchase Order

Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Purchase Order OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the purchase order is assigned.Lookup 
PO NumberDisplay the Sales order ID after creating a case.Number16 digit
Subject*Specify the name of the purchase order. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Vendor Name*Specify the name of the vendor.Text boxAlphanumeric(20)
Requisition NoSpecify the number in which the purchase order is requestedText boxAlphanumeric(20)
Tracking NumberSpecify the number to track the purchase orderText box 
Contact NameSpecify the contacts name to which the invoice has to be created.Lookup 
CarrierSelect the carrier’s name that ships the products from your warehouse to customer site.Pick list-
Purchase Order DateSpecify the date on which purchase order is created.Date-
Due DateSelect the due date.Date-
Excise DutySpecify the excise duty for the shipmentText box 
Sales CommissionSpecify the commission to the sales person upon closing the deal.CurrencyFloat
StatusSpecify the status of the purchase order.Pick List-
Assigned ToSelect the CRM user name to whom the purchase order handling duty is assigned. This field is mandatorySelect option-
Created ByDisplays the person created the Price book first time.Date/Time format 
Modified ByDisplays the person modified the Price book.Date/Time format 
Billing Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the primary address of the contact.
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country- Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Shipping Address
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
Specify the shipping address of the contact (if any).
  • Street - Text box
  • City - Text box
  • State - Text box
  • Code - Text box
  • Country - Text box
  • Alphanumeric(250)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
  • Alphanumeric(30)
Product Name*Select the product name. This field is mandatoryLookup-
Quantity in StockDisplays the stock quantity.NumericIntegers
Quantity*Specify the quantity for which the sales order has to be generated. This field is mandatoryNumericIntegers
Unit Price*Displays the unit price of the product.Currency 
List Price*Select the product list price from Price Book or specify the product price. This field is mandatoryLookup and NumericIntegers
TotalDisplays the amount of the selected products.  
Terms & ConditionsSpecify the terms and conditions that are associated with purchase order.Text area (long text) 
DescriptionSpecify any other details about purchase order.Text area (long text)32000 characters


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Task OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the task is assigned.Lookup 
Subject*Specify the name of the task. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Due DateSpecify the due date for the taskDate 
Contacts/LeadsSelect the related contact or leadLookup 
AccountsSelect any other record related to the taskLookup-
StatusSpecify the status of the taskPick List-
PrioritySelect the priority of an event from the drop-down list.Pick list-
Send Notification EmailSelect the check box to send notification email to the task ownerCheck box 
Remind AtSelect the check box to set reminder for the taskCheck box 
Recurring ActivitySelect the check box to mark it as a recurring activityCheck box-
DescriptionSpecify the details about the taskText area (long text)32000 characters


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Event OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the event is assigned.Lookup 
Subject*Specify the name of the event. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Start Date Time*Specify the date and time when the event will be started. This field is mandatory.Date and Time 
End Date Time*Specify the date and time when the event will be over. This field is mandatory.Date and Time 
VenueEnter the venue for the eventText 
Contacts/LeadsSelect the related contact or leadLookup 
AccountsSelect any other record related to the eventLookup-
Send Notification EmailSelect the check box to send notification email to the event ownerCheck box 
Remind AtSelect the check box to set reminder for the eventCheck box 
Recurring ActivitySelect the check box to mark it as a recurring activityCheck box-
DescriptionSpecify the details about the eventText area (long text)32000 characters


Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Subject*Specify the subject of the call. This field is mandatory.Text boxAlphanumeric(50)
Call Type*Choose whether the call is inbound or outbound  
Call PurposeSelect the purpose of the callPick List 
Call From/ToChoose Contact or Lead -
Related ToSelect the record to which the call is related toPick List-
Call DetailsSelect whether it is a Current call or Completed call -
Call Start TimeAutomatically displays the call start date and time. This field is mandatory.Pick List 
Call DurationSpecify the duration of the call. This field is mandatory.Integer 
DescriptionSpecify the details about the callText area (long text)32000 characters
Call ResultEnter the call resultText 

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