Social CRM - An Overview

Social CRM - An Overview

Social CRM - An Overview

Before you actually start selling, the first important rule of sales is to get to know your prospects well: what interests them, what kind of service they are looking for, etc. Today, one of the best ways to understand this is by following and keeping track of what your prospects say on social media. Millions of people post updates on Twitter, Facebook. Among those, there are some who talk about the products they are using, their requirements in business, who their major influencers in decision-making are and also which product/service they consider for their needs.

The question is, how will you connect these social interactions with your CRM database to follow the people who are your customers or who can become one in future? The answer to this is the CRM's integration with Twitter, Facebook. This integration is the key that connects the social interactions of your leads and customers on Twitter, Facebook and with the data in your CRM account.


In the CRM, you can create brands to group your company's social accounts under one roof. You can either configure all or selected few social accounts like, Twitter, Facebook to a brand. You can keep a brand empty without configuring any channel, however at a given point of time you can have only one empty brand in your CRM account.

The CRM lets you create brands in your CRM account even if you don't have an active account in Social. In such cases when you create a brand in CRM, a Lite Edition will automatically be created inside Social. Below are the pricing details and number of brands that you can create:

  • Standard and Professional Editions in CRM - 1 Brand
  • Enterprise and above editions in CRM - 2 Brands
  • For additional brands in Lite edition - $5/brand/month or $50/brand/year.

Brand Interactions: Associate company's Twitter and Facebook Accounts

Monitor your company's Twitter, Facebook and pages, search relevant topics and engage with customers and prospects from within the Social tab. This is an Organisation-specific feature that an Administrator needs to set up. Users with Social tab profile permission can access it.

Individual Interactions: Associate Twitter and Facebook profiles to your leads and contacts.

Find out more about your leads/contacts and new business opportunities by associating Twitter, Facebook profiles of your leads and contacts in the CRM. This is a User-specific feature and so users can use their own Twitter, Facebook accounts to associate the social profiles of their leads and contacts. They need the with Social Profile permission to use this feature.

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