Saved searches/favourites

Saved searches/favourites

To save your search, simply click on the 'Save Search' button below the 'Search' button after the required criteria have been entered:

Enter the Saved Search Name and click Save:

Finding saved searches in ConstructionBOS

To find both your manually saved searches and your Barbour saved searches, click into the 'Saved Searches' button in the top left-hand corner:

Click the saved search you require to see and the results will appear in the map view:

Adding Favourites

To add a favourite, click on one of the red pins to get a snapshot of the information related to it, and then click on 'Add Favourite':

To find your favourites within a search, click into the saved search and then scroll down to the 'Favourites Only' tickbox. Ensure this is ticked and then click 'Search':

To remove an item from your favourites, click on the related pin and select ' Remove Favourite':

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