Pushing Data to Google Ads

Pushing Data to Google Ads

Pushing Data to Google Ads

Pushing data from the CRM to Google Ads help you understand which clicks led to which offline conversions. You can get a complete picture of the click-to-conversion cycle and accurately analyse your spending. Additionally, you can leverage bid automation features to optimise for offline conversions.

Data from the CRM is pushed into three conversion components:

  • The CRM Leads/Contacts - For each lead/contact created in the CRM, a count increases for this component.
    Conversion Count is set as UniqueConversion.
    Conversion Category is set as Signup.
  • The CRM Lead Qualification - For each lead that is converted in the CRM, a count increases for this component.
    Conversion Count is set as Unique Conversion.
    Conversion Category is set as Lead.
  • The CRM Sales - For each potential that is won and closed in the CRM, the potential amount is added for this component.
    Conversion Count is set as All Conversion.
    Conversion Category is set as Purchase/Sale.

 How it Works

Here is a brief description of how leads are captured from web forms and offline conversions are pushed to your Google Ads, completing the "lead-deal" cycle.

What Happens

A prospective customer clicks on your Ad and visits your website.

Google click ID (GCLID) is generated.

The prospective customer navigates your website and ultimately fills out your web form.

A tracking code  keeps record of the GCLID that was generated on clicking the advertisement. It is maintained till the user fills the form and is passed on to the CRM along with the details filled in the form.

In case of a web-to-lead form, a lead is created in the CRM.

When the form details are pushed to the CRM, using those details, a new lead is added. In case of web-to-contact form, a contact is created. The Google Ads Information Section in the record is updated approximately 24 hours from the lead creation time.

In Google Ads, under Tools > Conversions, lead creation count is added to the Google Ads conversion tracking name, the CRM Leads/Contacts.

The sales rep qualifies and follows up the lead and converts to a potential (and contact).

In Google Ads, under Tools > Conversions, lead conversion count is added to the Google Ads conversion tracking name, the CRM Leads Qualification.

When the potential is won and closed, the potential stage is set to “Closed Won.”  

In Google Ads, under Tools > Conversions, potential won amount is added to the Google Ads conversion tracking name, the CRM Sales.

  • Google does not allow tracking a potential that is created after 90 days from a click.
  • Google Ads Conversion Tracking name (tCRM Leads/Contacts, CRM Lead Qualification,CRM Sales) added in Google Ads, should not be changed or deleted by the users.

When is the Data Pushed to Google Ads

Data for the three components (CRM Leads/Contacts,  CRM Leads Qualification, CRM Sales) is pushed to Google Ads once every 24 hours at particular pre-scheduled hour. However, the exact time of day that this happens is not standard for all users. It is based on the time when the Google Ads Integration was configured with the CRM account and so differs for each user depending on when they set up this configuration for their account. 

On lead creation, lead qualification or a sale, when the conversion data is pushed to Google Ads some of the records in CRM may not be taken into account. The reason being, they are too recent to be processed. Google Ads requires 4-6 hours after the ad click to process the details of the click. So ideally, the CRM will get the complete details of the ad click only after approximately 6-8 hours.

 Counting Options for the Three Conversion Components

There are two types of counting options provided by Google Ads.

Unique Conversions - Google Ads counts only unique conversions that happen after an ad click.  This is the counting option set for Google Ads conversion tracking names CRM Leads/Contacts and CRM Leads Qualification components.

All Conversions - Google Ads counts all conversions (per tracked conversion action) that happen after an ad click. This is the counting option set for Google Ads conversion tracking name CRM Sales component.


You run a digital marketing agency. You have different forms on your site for each service you provide. You want to see how your ads encourage people to fill up these forms. Currently, your ads promote your web design and social media marketing services.

A user clicks on your ad and fills the web design form twice – each time with a different set of requirements. The same user fills up the social media marketing service form thrice – again with different values each time.

  • If you have selected All conversions: This conversion setting will count 5 conversions (2 + 3) i.e. each time that the form gets filled up, even though it is the same forms with different values. This is useful if you are interested in tracking and improving the sale of the two services.
  • If you have selected Unique conversions: This conversion setting will count 2 conversions (1+1) i.e. the number of forms filled up regardless of the number of times they were filled up. This is useful if you are not exactly interested in the sales but would like to see how many people are interested in web design and social media marketing services.

 Conversion Import Failures

In some cases, the conversion data is not pushed to these components. Following are some of these cases:

  • If the leads is qualified or potential is won 90 days after the ad was clicked and lead was added in the CRM.
  • If there is an unexpected mismatch between the GCLID generated by Google and the one pushed to the CRM.

The conversion import failures can be tracked in the Google Ads tab along with the details of the records in CRM. Please note, each entry is available for 7 days only. These details will also be available in individual records under the Google Ads Information section.

To view offline conversion import failures

  1. In the CRM, click the Google Ads tab.
  2. In the Google Ads page, click ConversionFailures
  3. Select an Account to view the details of the conversion import failures.

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