Manage Hierarchy Preference

Manage Hierarchy Preference

Manage Hierarchy Preference

A hierarchy structure in an organisation is defined to rank members according to their designations. The CRM provides two different hierarchy structures for your organisation: Role Hierarchy and Reporting Hierarchy. You can select the hierarchy preference under the CRM's Company Details.

For both the hierarchy structures, you need to define roles and assign it to users. A user can be associated to only one role at a time.

Role Hierarchy - In this structure, access to a user's data is based on the roles. Users at higher hierarchy can view the data of users in the subordinate roles. For instance, ConstructionBos Inc. follows the below hierarchy structure, here the CEO or Administrator can view the entire organisation's data. And, the Sales Managers can view the data of all the Sales Executives.

Reporting Hierarchy - In this structure, unlike role hierarchy, a user can be assigned a reporting manager who can view the data. Any member at the higher role in the organisation can be assigned as the user's reporting manager.

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