To create a portal
Go to Setup > Channels > Portals.
- In the Portals page, click Get Started Now.
Your company's name will appear as the default portal name. - Edit the Portal name, if required.
- Click Configure Now.
The customer portal URL will be generated and the portal name will be available. - Click Next to continue.
Next, define the portal user type, portal tab configuration, and field permissions.
- You will not be able to edit the portal name once it is created.
- Once a portal is configured you will not be able to delete it.
Define portal user type
To define a portal user type
- Under Portal User Type enter a name e.g., parents, partners or vehicle service.
- Click Next.
Configure the portal tab
To configure the portal tab
- In the Portal Tab Configuration page, select a module from the Choose Module from the drop-down list.
In the Related Modules section, do the following:
- Tabs - Select the checkboxes for the related modules that the portal users will be able to access.
- Layouts - Select one or more layouts that the users will have access to.
- Permissions - Choose create, edit, view, or delete permissions for the records in the module. Portal users will only be able to perform the defined actions for the records in the module that they own.
- List View - Select either List view or Canvas view for the records.
- Filter By - Select the filters from the drop-down list.
- Click Next.
Specify field permissions
To specify field permissions
- In the Field Permissions page, select the check boxes for the fields that need to be available for the portal users.
- Click the Read Only checkbox, if required.
- Click Save and Next to move to the next layout or module to define field permissions.
- Repeat the above steps for all the modules and layouts.
- Click Finish to save all the details.
View portal preview
Once the portal configuration is complete, you can preview the portal to see how the customers will see the records.
To view the portal preview
- Go to Setup > Channels > Portals.
- In the Customer Portal Configuration page, click Preview.
- Select the Portal User Type from the drop-down list to view the preview.
You can view the portal summary after the portal configuration is completed. You can edit the Field Permission and Portal Tab Configuration in the portal configuration details. You can also add a new portal user type, if required.